BIO De Bolster V
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- Tomato 'Bolstar Granda' (p) BIO De Bolster (1945)€ 2.99€ 2.85Robust, seed resistant variety with a high production, suitable for summer cultivation in tunnels and unfired greenhouses. The round fruits have a weight of approximately 100 grams and are suitable fo...
- Pepper growing rootstock 'Skyborn F1' 100 seeds BIO De Bolster (1612)Sold outProfessional variety , Skyborn F1' is a medium growing rootstock, suitable for all pepper varieties. Very resistant to root-knot nematodes, Verticillium and Pyrenochaeta.'Skyborn F1' is a productive, ...
- Vleestomaat 'Coeur de Boeuf' BIO De Bolster (1951)€ 2.89Organic certified seeds, meaning they are not hybrid, free of chemical treatment, non-GMO and poison free.
- Watermelon 'Sugar baby' BIO De Bolster (2027)€ 2.99€ 2.85Watermelon 'Sugar Baby' forms delicious fruits of about 1.8 kg. It is best grown flat in a greenhouse or flat tray. Insects take care of pollination, make sure they can reach the flowers. Avoid a plac...
- White cabbage 'Filderkraut' BIO De Bolster (1550)€ 2.69€ 2.69White cabbage 'Filderkraut' is the most tasty among the white cabbages. This cabbage is soft and somewhat sweeter than other varieties. A reliable variety with few cultivation problems. The cabbage is...
- White cabbage 'Impala F1' Brassica oleracea BIO De Bolster (1541)€ 2.69€ 4.69Impala F1' is a white cabbage that stands, as it is called, 'high on the stem'. This does not only mean that the cabbage is easier to harvest, but also that it is better protected against diseases. It...
- White cabbage 'Roem van Enkhuizen 2' BIO De Bolster (1540)€ 2.69€ 2.69White cabbage 'Roem van Enkhuizen 2' is a relatively fast-growing, heavy headed cabbage for the production of sauerkraut in September. This variety is quite sensitive to cracks.Sow in March in a pot o...
- Barbara herb BIO De Bolster (3295)€ 2.69€ 2.55Barbara herb is a biennial herb. The leaves are used in, among other things, raw vegetables. Winter Cherry is hardy.Height first year about 10-20 cm. In the second year the plant can become ca. ...
- Wintercarrot 'Flakkeese 2' BIO De Bolster (2070)€ 2.99€ 2.85Winter carrot 'Flakkée 2' are large orange carrots and form a large crop. The carrots are deliciously sweet and can be stored excellently after harvesting.Winter carrot can only be sown in the months...
- Purslane BIO De Bolster (2030)€ 2.99€ 2.85Winter purslane has few problems with diseases and pests. This type is hardy, only in dry frost the colour of the leaves becomes less beautiful and covering is desirable.Sow outdoors in August and Sep...
- Winter rye BIO De Bolster (4090)€ 2.99€ 2.95Winter rye is a very suitable green manure that can be sown late (August to October). This green manure is not sensitive to frost, gives a fast and good ground cover and very good rooting. It keeps th...
- Savoye 'Bloemendaalse Gele' BIO De Bolster (1530)€ 2.69€ 2.69Savoy cabbage 'Bloemendaalse Gele' is the most hardy of the savoy cabbages. The green-yellow, later golden-yellow, lightly crimped cabbage has a delicious and soft taste. Belongs to the family group o...
- Savoy cabbage 'Cantasa F1' Brassica oleracea BIO De Bolster (1521)€ 2.69€ 4.69Savoy cabbage 'Cantasa F1' has a beautiful colour and a fine head. This cabbage is a healthy grower and also thrives in less than optimal weather conditions. It is an excellent variety for autumn and ...
- Savoye 'Westlandse Putjes' BIO De Bolster (1520)€ 2.69Sold outSavoy cabbage 'Westlandse Putjes' is a dark green, crimped cabbage, of which the upper leaves are not completely closed, with a 'well'. Nevertheless, this cabbage belongs to the head cabbage family.Sa...
- Hyssop BIO De Bolster (3110)€ 2.69€ 2.55El hisopo es una hierba arbustiva, cuyas hojas, tanto frescas como secas, se utilizan en varios platos. Durante la exuberante floración de mediados de julio en adelante, varios insectos gustan de vis...
- Courgette Zucchini BIO De Bolster (1350)€ 2.69€ 2.55Courgette 'Zucchini' is a light green courgette that grows on any well fertilized soil. Young fruits are picked regularly when they are approx. 15-20 cm long.Can be pre-sown in a greenhouse as early a...
- Zucchini Black Beauty BIO De Bolster (1352)€ 2.39€ 2.15Zucchini Black Beauty is a dark green zucchini. Grows on every well-fertilized soil. Sow: warm pre-drawing under glass at the end of April-early May, preferably in sunny weather. Do not wet during ger...
- Zucchini Ola Gabriella F1 - ORGANIC De Bolster (1355)€ 2.99€ 2.85Cucurbita pepoCucurbita pepoOla Gabriella F1' is a very productive, yellow courgette with a mild, sweet taste. By parthenocarpy, fruits are set early in the season, without the presence of male flower...
- Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' BIO De Bolster (1940)€ 2.69€ 2.55Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' is a delicious sweet sweet corn. Overfertilisation results in less sweet corn cobs. For the best result it is important to harvest the cobs on time and consume them immediate...
- Sweet corn ‘My Fair Lady F1’ – ORGANIC De Bolster (1939)€ 4.29€ 4.10Sweet corn 'My Fair Lady' is a two-tone hybrid variety with good production. The variety forms slender cobs with a length of 18 to 20 cm. The kernels have a soft texture and a very sweet taste. The pl...
- Onion ‘Hylander F1’ – ORGANIC De Bolster (2012)€ 4.79€ 4.55The onion variety 'Hylander F1' is a medium early, mildew resistant variety. The beautiful round, uniform fruits have a good skin and storage quality. This hybrid variety with a high yield has been d...
- Onion ‘Red Baron’ – ORGANIC De Bolster (2021)€ 2.99€ 2.85The onion variety 'Red Baron' is somewhat flattened. The beautiful red fruits have a spicy taste. This variety also has a relatively high yield and is easy to store. Moreover, 'Red Baron' is also suit...
- Onion 'Red long of Florence' BIO De Bolster (2025)€ 2.99€ 2.85Onion Red long or florence is a bottle-shaped onion with a beautiful red colour. The taste is mild and sweet. Suitable for use as a salad onion. Later sowing gives more chance of onions with thickened...
- Onion 'Stuttgarter' BIO De Bolster (2015)€ 2.99€ 2.85Onion Stuttgarter is also called 'Stuttgarter Riesen'. An easy to keep, yellow flattened onion. Also very suitable for spring onions. Sow: Sow outdoors from March to early April at a row distance of 2...