Stem Vegetables
Generally stem vegetables don’t take long to grow. If you spread out the sowing, you will always have some ready to eat. Most stem vegetables need a fairly rich, moist and well drained soil.Display
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- Asparagus Connovers Colossal 25 seeds TessGruun€ 1.75Early maturing and popular Heirloom variety with thick large spears and pointed bud tips. An excellent standard variety of excellent flavor and a very heavy cropper.This is an extremely easy perennia...
- Asparagus Mary Washington 100 seeds TessGruunSold outAsparagus officinalis (Asparagaceae) (ordre: Asparagales) Obtention du Dr. J. B. Norton, département de l'agriculture des USA. Son principal atout est la résistance à la rouille de l'asp...
- Asparagus Mary Washington 25 seeds TessGruun€ 1.75At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible.
- Asparagus Précoce d'Argenteuil 25 seeds TessGruun€ 1.65Asparagus Précoce d' Argenteuil is a traditional French Heirloom Asparagus from a 18th century variety Purple Dutch Argenteuil. excellent flavor Early and hardy traditional French ...
- Asparagus Sweet Purple 10 seeds TessGruunSold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. We will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience. All of our TessGruun heirloom...
- Asparagus wild asparagus Asparagus acutifolius 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.75Asparagus acutifolius, common name wild asparagus, is an evergreen perennial plant belonging to the genus Asparagus. Edible thin very tastfull delicacy . The specific epithet, acutifolius, meani...
- Bunching Onion White Lisbon TessGruun€ 1.11€ 1.35At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Deze lente-uitjes vormen bijna geen bol. Je kunt ze fijnsnippe...
- Cardoon BIO De Bolster (1380)€ 2.69€ 2.55Cardoon looks a lot like artichoke, the plants are closely related. In contrast to artichoke, cardoons are grown mainly for the edible leaf (if bleached - see below), and less so for the flowers. Card...
- Crimson Forest Bunch Onion TessGruun€ 2.00€ 1.95Crimson Forest Bunch Onion (Allium fistulosum) Beautiful brilliant red stalks, flavorful and tasty. Very unique and colorful, a bulbing type.These spring onions hardly form a sphere. You can finely ch...
- Green celery Tall Utah BIO De Bolster (1370)€ 2.69€ 2.55Green celery 'Tall Utah 52/70' is a fragrant vegetable whose stems and young leaves are eaten. Rich in nutrients. Celery is a 'light germinator', so it should not be sown too deep. Moreover, germinati...
- Japanese cabbage 'Namenia' BIO De Bolster (1720)€ 2.99€ 2.85Turnip-rod 'Namenia' is a tasty variety with coarse, tender leaves and a short growth time. It is a typical spring vegetable. Delicious as a stew or raw in a salad.Turnip greens are a typical spring v...
- Japanese cabbage 'Raapsteel Mizuna' BIO De Bolster (1725)€ 2.99€ 2.85Turnip-rod 'Mizuna' is a fine Japanese cabbage and has a loose head with pinnate leaves, light green with a light vein. Delicious as a stew or raw in a salad.Turnip greens are a typical spring vegetab...
- Leek 'Blauwgroene herfst' BIO De Bolster (1690)€ 2.99€ 2.85Leek 'Blue-green Autumn' suffers less from wear and tear in late autumn-winter and can tolerate quite a lot of frost. Requires a nourishing and deeply loosened soil.Because of the slow initial develop...
- Leek 'Herfstreuzen 2' BIO De Bolster (1695)€ 3.99€ 3.80Leek 'Herfstreuzen 2' is a robust breed with a thick shaft. Very productive and excellent variety for autumn cultivation. Requires a nourishing and deeply loosened soil.Because of the slow initial dev...
- Leek Bleu de Solaise TessGruun€ 1.50An old French very cold-resistant Heirloom winter variety - long leeks with blue-grey leaves far more vigorous than “Musselborough” and equally hardy. turning darker after frost and a good one for...
- Leek Bulgarian Giant TessGruun€ 2.00€ 1.50A popular North European long thin leek of the best quality and a fast maturing variety with light green leaves and great flavour. One of the longest stemmed varieties available. Fine autu...
- Leek Carentan 2 ORGANIC TessGruun€ 1.65110 - 130 days - The Carentan leek was mentioned by Vilmorin in 1885 Long, thick popular, reliable and refined Italian variety producing large thick and tender stems of excellent flavour with bl...
- Leek Large American Blue Flag 200 ORGANIC seeds TessGruunSold out130 days Large American Blue Flag 200 ORGANIC seeds - reliable - early season superior quality mild flavour bluegreen foliage long white shanks Repacked Certified O...
- Leek Musselburgh TessGruunSold outLeek Musselburgh is a very hardy Scottish Heirloom variety introduced in 1834 and is still remaining one of the most popular and hardy varieties available until today. Leek Musselburgh is a late varie...
- Leek Titus TessGruun€ 1.50Titus is a heirloom from Eastern Europe , a real winter variety, suitable for harvesting until spring thanks to its high resistance to cold (down to -15°C). It has a beautiful dark green color and pr...
- Rabarber Lider Red 25 zaden TessGruun€ 1.11Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Lider Red is een rabarbersoort met slanke, lange, lichtrode st...
- Rhubarb Glaskins Perpetual 10 seeds TessGruunSold outAn excellent all round English Heirloom variety that can actually be harvested in its first year if started early. Easy to cultivate it produces long greenish Red tart and tender stems which are...
- Rhubarb Victoria 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.11€ 1.50At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Deze soort heeft groene bladstelen. Ze is ook goed geschikt om...
- Shrub Celery Tango F1 - ORGANIC De Bolster (1365)€ 4.79€ 4.55Apium graveolensCelery 'Tango F1' is suitable for the whole growing season. Very productive variety, with white to light green stems. Strong tolerance for 'black hearts'.This hybrid variety has been d...