Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Herbs » Tansy Tanacetum vulgare pure seeds TessGruun

Tansy Tanacetum vulgare pure seeds TessGruun

ZKRTGBTV Tansy Tanacetum vulgare pure seeds TessGruun

Tansy Tanacetum vulgare pure seeds TessGruun
A tall wild plant with yellow flower heads in flat screens. Finely rubbed dried leaves and flowers exclude insects, among others the root fly. All plant parts are poisonous! Boosts considerably. Flowering season July-September. Height 100 cm. Planting distance 30 cm.  Tansy herb extract =  bio pesticide  1 kg of barbwort finely chopped (flower, stem and leaf)  or 500 g of tansy + 500 g of lovage.  Drain for 48 hours in 10 liters of water. (Certainly no longer, because then the active substances will be lost.)  Seven and possibly dilute with as much water 10l  Optionally add a natural soap as a wetting agent. Spraying on the underside of the leaves every fourteen days. Against the gray louse on coal, green louse on roses, the black louse on legumes like beans. Against the whitefly, preventive against the gullet, against caterpillars of cabbage white. Excellent natural spray against all sucking and & nbsp; eating insects


€ 1.50

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