Boutique en ligne » Les Graines de Légumes » Piments » Piment Bhut Jolokia Ghost Rouge 5 graines TessGruun

Piment Bhut Jolokia Ghost Rouge 5 graines TessGruun

ZPPTHBJG5 Piment Bhut Jolokia Ghost Rouge 5 graines TessGruun

ZPPTHBJG5 Piment Bhut Jolokia Ghost Rouge 5 graines TessGruun
NEW - 100-120 days from transplant—Also known as Ghost Pepper, Naga Morich. Legendary variety, one of the world's hottest peppers, if not the hottest, with readings in excess of 1,000,000 Scoville units! Bhut Jolokia starts out slow but eventually makes tall plants, exceeding 4 ft in favored locations. The thin-walled, wrinkled, pointed fruits reach 2-3" in length, ripening mostly to red.

€ 1,99
