Sluis Garden V
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- Aardbei Fragaria Sarian F1 Sluis Garden€ 3.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Tuinderskwaliteit. Hoge opbrengst van heerlijke grote, zoete a...
- Aardbei Fragaria vesca Baron Solemacher (Rügen) Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De vruchten (schijnvruchten) verspreiden een zoetige geur. Ze ...
- Andijvie Diva Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Tuinderskwaliteit. Sterk groeiende, zelfblekende selectie wint...
- Andijvie Eminence Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Eminence is een op zichzelf staand ras van het type "Nummer Vi...
- Andijvie Nuance Sluis Garden EKO€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Nuance is een op zichzelf staand ras van het type “Nummer Vi...
- Andijvie Wallonne - Despa Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een grote donkergroene krulandijvie met een goudgeel hart. Zee...
- Basilicum Siam Queen Ocimum basilicum Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Het blad heeft een heerlijke kruidige, aromatische smaak en zi...
- Biet Kogel 2 - Storuman Sluis Garden EKO€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Kogelronde, grote bieten met een gladde huid en bloedrood vruc...
- Bladpeterselie Italian Gian - Hilmar Sluis Garden EKO€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Zeer aromatisch en grover/grootbladiger dan de gewone 'platte ...
- Bladselderij Adam. Donkergroene Apium graveolens Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Amsterdamse donkergroene kan onder glas en in de vollegrond wo...
- Bladselderij Goudgele Zelfblekende 2 Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Geelgroene stelen zonder draad, die zowel rauw als gekookt geg...
- Bladselderij Tall Utah 52/70 Claret Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Groene stelen zonder draad, die zowel rauw als gekookt gegeten...
- Bonenkruid Eenjarig Satureja hortensis Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De blaadjes oogsten voordat het zaad gaat zetten. Bloeiend kru...
- Botersla Tasty en Tender 60105 Sluis Garden Abraham Sluis€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Tasty & Tender werd al in 1850 geïntroduceerd onder de naam S...
- Chicory Catalogna Frastagliata Italian heirloom TessGruun€ 1.50An excellent Italian variety with attractive green foliage that is deeply lobed. Sow the seeds from april - May in a good quality seed compost and cover lightly with Apprx 1/4" of compost/soil. Thin t...
- Citroenbasilicum Mrs. Burns Ocimum bas. citriodorum Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een unieke basilicum met een delicate smaak, geschikt voor een...
- Citroengras Cymbopogon flexuosus Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een tropische grassoort met een voortreffelijke citroengeur en...
- Citroenmelisse CitroFin Melissa officinalis Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Citroenmelisse werd medicinaal al tweeduizend jaar geleden doo...
- Cutting Salad Babyleaf Mix 1 GRAM TessGruun€ 1.75At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Snijsla Babyleaf is een uitgebalanceerd kleurig mengsel dat...
- Cutting Salad Babyleaf Mix TessGruun€ 1.25At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Snijsla Babyleaf is een uitgebalanceerd kleurig mengsel dat...
- Erba Stella, Hertshoornweegbree Plantago coronopus Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – In 1586 al genoemd als groente en in Italië nog volop gebruik...
- Gele/Witte Mosterd Sinapis alba Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Witte of Gele mosterd (bloeit met gele bloemen) wordt vaak geb...
- Gherkin Vert Petit de Paris 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.50€ 1.5060 days A traditional French Cornichon or Gherkin . Huge yields of small crunchy gherkins, keep picking to keep harvesting. Ideal for brining in its entirety or cut. Sow in a greenhouse in...
- Griekse / Wilde oregano Origanum hirtum (heracleoticum) Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Vreugde van de bergen, oros - ganus oftewel oregano, is de vri...