Fruit Vegetables
Fruit vegetables require some more patience and attention than leaf vegetables and stem vegetables, but the effort is well rewarded. After all, what could be nicer than presenting or enjoying a tomato, cucumber or zucchini from your own garden? If you want your fruit vegetables to give lots of fruits, you will have to find a good balance between vegetative growth and generative growth (flowering and fruiting).Display
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- Pompoen Galeuse d'Eysine Sluis Garden Abraham Sluis€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De een vindt deze betrekkelijk oude pompoensoort (wordt al in ...
- Pompoen Sweet Dumpling Sluis Garden Abraham Sluis€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Deze opvallende pompoen is niet alleen zeer decoratief, maar o...
- Courgette Yellow BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Courgette Yellow heeft rechte, heldergele vruchten met een zee...
- Pompoen Red Kuri (Hokkaido Orange) BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Pompoen Red Kuri is een ranje bewaarpompoen, diameter ca. 15 c...
- Aardbei Fragaria Sarian F1 Sluis Garden€ 3.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Tuinderskwaliteit. Hoge opbrengst van heerlijke grote, zoete a...
- Aardbei Fragaria vesca Baron Solemacher (Rügen) Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De vruchten (schijnvruchten) verspreiden een zoetige geur. Ze ...
- Physalis peruviana (edulis) Ananaskers SunFruit Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een oranjegele bes, lekker fris zoet/zuur van smaak en vol vit...
- Pompoen Rouge Vif d'Etampes Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Geïntroduceerd in 1800. Fraaie grote oranje-rode, geribde vru...
- Aubergine Morden Midget 15 zaden TessGruun€ 1.11Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Aubergine Morden Midget 15 zaden TessGruun
- Aubergine Pukkie 15 zaden TessGruun€ 1.11Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Aubergine Pukkie 15 zaden TessGruun
- Eggplant Striped Toga 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.50Eggplant 'Striped Toga' is a stunning ornamental eggplant that can also be used as a vegetable. The fruits are 1” wide by 3” long & striped, initially in two toned green, then changing to two ...
- Meloen Hales Best Jumbo 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.11€ 1.50At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Deze meloensoort is heel populair. Dat heeft ze te danken aan ...
- Arbutus Unedo / Strawberry Tree – 10 seeds TessGruunSold outArbutus Unedo originates from the Mediterranean and Western Europe. It is a large, green shrub/tree, with rough, brown bark and dark green, glossy leaves with a serrated edge (5 to 10cm in length). ...
- “Decaisnea Fargesii” Blue Sausage Tree – 5 seeds TessGruunSold outDecaisnea Fargesii, better known as the "Blue Sausage Tree" because of its unusual seed pods, is a plant from West China and East Asia. Definitely a wow plant if it is fruiting! It is a large deciduou...
- “Morinda Citrifolia” Indian Mulberry / Noni / Cheese Fruit - 5 seeds TessGruun€ 2.00Morinda citrifolia originates from Southeast Asia, but is cultivated on the Indian and Pacific subcontinent. The tree-like shrub grows to about 3 meters in height with glossy dark green leaves of abo...
- Accocha or Lady’s Slipper Gourd Cyclanthera pedata 5 seeds TessGruun€ 1.95Unique heirloom cucumber from Australia. cucumis sativus Lemon Size of a lemon and egg-shaped fresh and soft taste compact plants early harvestable A unique eyecatcher fo...
- “Psidium Guajava” Exotic Guava Fruit Tree Bonsai 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.50The tropical fruit tree “Psidium Guajava” originates from Central and South America and can grow up to 10m in height under ideal conditions. This variety has dark green leaves and white flowers, f...
- Courgette 'Tondo di Piacenza' 10 seeds TessGruun€ 1.75Tondo di Piacenza is an early extremely productive dark green spherical variety originating in Italy near Parma. It's shape makes it ideal for stuffing. Bake them whole and they stay firm on the outsi...
- Gourd ‘Shenot Crown of Thorns’ / Cucurbita Pepo Ornamental Pumpkin – 10 seeds TessGruunSold outGourd ‘Crown of Thorns’ provides interesting textures and colour at the table or around the house during the autumn period. The round and colourful fruits have five pairs of incurving prongs that ...
- “Solanum Sessiliflorum” Peach Tomato / Cocona – 5 seeds TessGruun€ 1.50The Solanum Sessiliflorum, also known as the peach tomato or the Cocona, is native to South American river areas. The unripe, hairy fruits, which look like the naranjilla, taste like a cross between l...
- Spaghetti Squash 10 seeds Tessgruun€ 2.65€ 1.5090/100 days Cucurbita pepo Introduced in 1934 by Sakata Seed Co. in Japan This is the popular delicious squash with stringy flesh that is used like spaghetti, growing on small to medium sized tr...
- Melon Tuscany 15 seeds TessGruunSold out80 days. A delicious Italian heirloom with salmon flesh Elongated, 3 lb fruits have both a thin rind and tiny seed cavity leaving plenty of space for the sweet tender, delicious flesh.&nbs...
- Zizyphus Jujuba / Jujube Tree / Chinese Date Tropical Fruit – 5 seeds TessGruunSold outZizyphus Jujuba is native to South Asia. The plant is a quick grower and can reach a height of about 5 to 10m. The fruits are about 3cm in diameter, sweet and rich in vitamin C. This plant with mos...
- Corn Blue Hopi 10 seeds Organic TessGruunSold outThis heirloom corn variety stands out because of its beautiful blue colour. Originally this variety was used by the Hopi Indians in America. The ears grow to an average length of about 15 to 25cm. Th...