Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Tomatoes » Tomato Big Yellow Zebra 10 seeds TessGruun

Tomato Big Yellow Zebra 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGBIYEZE Tomato Big Yellow Zebra 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGBIYEZE Tomato Big Yellow Zebra 10 seeds TessGruunZTOTGBIYEZE Tomato Big Yellow Zebra 10 seeds TessGruun
Big Yellow Zebra, also known as 'Pork Chop' or 'Pork Shop' is a tomato variety with large round, sometimes lobed fruits. They ripen to a yellow colour with orange stripes over a period of about 65 to 80 days.

The tomatoes with orange-yellow flesh have a delicious, sweet, slightly lemony taste. They are mainly used in salads and cold dishes.

The plants are about 150cm tall and have a good yield.

All of our TessGruun heirloom seeds are pure, meaning they are not hybrid, free of chemical treatment, non-GMO and poison free.

€ 1.65
