OCA New Zealand Oxalis tuberosa 1 plant in pot TessGruun
Oca New Zealand is the Oca with the biggest tubers and the best yield. Selection from New Zealand. Sweet taste, no acid. Red-yellow tubers up to 10 centimeters long.
Oxalis tuberosa Molina - Oxalis crenata Jacq. - Oca du Pérou oxalilide crénelée. surelle tubereux. oxalis tubereux, truffette acide.
Cultivated like Jerusalem artichoke or crosne. Stems look like buckwheat. leaves like clover. flowers are yellow. tubers are white, yellow, pink, purple. The tubers, whose taste is close to that of the potato, but with the acidity of sorrel in more, are consumed cooked. They can be prepared in various ways, like potatoes: boiled, fried, sautéed... It is recommended to cook them by changing the water to eliminate the maximum of acidity. The young leaves can be consumed like sorrel.
Oxalis tuberosa Molina - Oxalis crenata Jacq. - Oca du Pérou oxalilide crénelée. surelle tubereux. oxalis tubereux, truffette acide.
Cultivated like Jerusalem artichoke or crosne. Stems look like buckwheat. leaves like clover. flowers are yellow. tubers are white, yellow, pink, purple. The tubers, whose taste is close to that of the potato, but with the acidity of sorrel in more, are consumed cooked. They can be prepared in various ways, like potatoes: boiled, fried, sautéed... It is recommended to cook them by changing the water to eliminate the maximum of acidity. The young leaves can be consumed like sorrel.
€ 2.50