Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Legumes » Bush Bean Purple Queen Heirloom 25 seeds TessGruun

Bush Bean Purple Queen Heirloom 25 seeds TessGruun

ZPETPPUQU25 Bush Bean Purple Queen Heirloom 25 seeds TessGruun

ZPETPPUQU25 Bush Bean Purple Queen Heirloom 25 seeds TessGruun
Purple Queen - Reine des pourpres , Bush, Early 8-12 weeks . Tender, bright purple pods turn green when cooked. Very ornamental, beautiful and tasty. A good home garden variety. Very easy to grow and little maintenance required. One of the best flavoured Dwarf French Beans  producing heavy yields of glossy purple, smooth and straight string-less beans. Pods should be picked young and regularly to encourage cropping over a long period.  Delicious eaten raw or when cooked they change colour to an appetizing dark green colour.  For an early crop sow in warmth in mid spring 6 weeks before the last expected frost .

€ 3.75 € 1.50
