Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Herbs » Hops Humulus Lupulus 50 seeds TessGruun

Hops Humulus Lupulus 50 seeds TessGruun

ZKRTNHOHULU Hops Humulus Lupulus  50 seeds TessGruun

Hops - Humulus lupulus aka "Vigne du Nord" - "Couleuvrée" - "Houblon" - "Houblon crempant"  Cannabaceae  The  flowers from female plants are used in brewing beer. Climber 2 à 5 m. Native. Sow Mid May to late July , keep the seed tray warm for 2-3 weeks followed by temperatures of 2-4°C for 4-5 weeks. Keep cool once germinated. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, prick off into pots and grow on until ready for planting out.

€ 1.65
