Practically all herbs are easy to grow and they should only be covered with a very thin layer of dirt after sowing. Don’t water them too much, but don’t let them dry out either. Many herbs can be dried. Drying herbs should preferably take place in a dark, dry but well-ventilated place. Perennial herbs shouldn’t be in the same place for more than four years. Transplanting is possible, provided this is done in fall or early spring. In case of severe frost, it is desirable to protect sensitive species with some leaves or straw. Shrub-like herbs should be cut back each spring.Display
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- Basil Persian Organic TessGruunSold outReally interesting and flavorful basil. 60days Known as Reyhan throughout the varied nations of southwestern Asia. Has a distinctive aroma, both lemony and spice like.0.400g = +/- 200 ORGANIC seeds&nb...
- Alsem BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Ook wel absint-alsem genoemd. Sterk kruid, verwant aan de in h...
- Basil Genovese BIO De Bolster (3020)€ 2.69€ 2.55Basil 'Genovese' is an annual, low yielding and highly scented herb with medium sized leaves. This variety is very suitable for pesto. As soon as the stems harden, only the leaves can be used. Do not ...
- Cucumber herb BIO De Bolster (3140)€ 2.69€ 2.55Cucumber is an annual herb, also known as borage or borage. The leaf can be used in raw vegetables or stews. The flowers are edible.Freestanding the plants grow enormously and attract many insects; it...
- Pimpernel, kleine BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De blaadjes van de Pimpernel smaken enigszins naar ...
- Rozemary BIO De Bolster (3245)€ 2.69Sold outRosemary is a deliciously fragrant, evergreen shrub that needs a sheltered spot. It is a versatile kitchen herb (soup through meat to bread and herb butter). Cover the plant well in harsh winters. Whe...
- Summer Thyme - ORGANIC De Bolster (3275)€ 2.69€ 2.55Summer thyme is a perennial kitchen herb, and makes nice tender stems with strongly fragrant leaves. Thyme is an indispensable herb in Mediterranean cuisine.Summer Thyme is less hardy than Thyme 'Germ...
- Waterkers BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Waterkers vormt uitlopers die dicht bij de grond blijven, groe...
- Wijnruit BIO De Bolster€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De bladeren van de Wijnruit worden onder andere in s...
- Basilicum Siam Queen Ocimum basilicum Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Het blad heeft een heerlijke kruidige, aromatische smaak en zi...
- Citroenbasilicum Mrs. Burns Ocimum bas. citriodorum Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een unieke basilicum met een delicate smaak, geschikt voor een...
- Kaneelbasilicum Cinamonette Ocimum basilicum Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een heerlijke basilicum met de aparte kaneelsmaak en geur. Ges...
- Bonenkruid Eenjarig Satureja hortensis Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De blaadjes oogsten voordat het zaad gaat zetten. Bloeiend kru...
- Citroengras Cymbopogon flexuosus Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een tropische grassoort met een voortreffelijke citroengeur en...
- Citroenmelisse CitroFin Melissa officinalis Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Citroenmelisse werd medicinaal al tweeduizend jaar geleden doo...
- Kamille Echte Matricaria recutita (Chamomile) Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De echte kamille heeft een vrij sterke geur en bevat veel ethe...
- Kervel Fijne Krul Anthriscus cerefolium Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Kervel heeft een nogal speciale smaak (anijs) en samen met z'n...
- Kruizemunt Mentha spicata crispa Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – 's Zomers kan vers, diepgroen blad met een verfijnde muntsmaak...
- Lavendel Echte Lavandula angustifolia vera Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een overbekende geur tijdens de zomervakanties in de Provence ...
- Lievevrouwebedstro Galium odoratum (Asperula) Sluis Garden€ 2.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Een kruipend, overblijvend plantje met trechtervormige witte b...
- Maggikruid Levisticum officinalis Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De verse blaadjes geven een pittige selderij-smaak aan soep, s...
- Melde, Red Flash Atriplex hortensis Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Melde is een inheemse plant, afkomstig uit Zuid-Europa en hier...
- Gele/Witte Mosterd Sinapis alba Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Witte of Gele mosterd (bloeit met gele bloemen) wordt vaak geb...
- Griekse / Wilde oregano Origanum hirtum (heracleoticum) Sluis Garden€ 1.95Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Vreugde van de bergen, oros - ganus oftewel oregano, is de vri...