Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Brassica oleracea (Cabbages) » White Cabbage Filderkraut +/-70 seeds TessGruun

White Cabbage Filderkraut +/-70 seeds TessGruun

ZKOTBWFIZ70 White Cabbage Filderkraut +/-70 seeds TessGruun

White cabbage Filderkraut is a reliable variety with few cultivation problems. Also very suitable for sauerkraut. A soft, tasty cabbage for autumn use. Requires good fertilisation and sufficient moisture, but is less demanding on the soil than the other cabbages. Sow outdoors in a seedbed until no later than the end of April. After approximately 6 weeks transplant to beds measuring 70 x 60 cm. Store in a cool, frost-free place for the winter, for example with the roots attached in a tray with sand or in the cellar, remove the outer leaves. Under flat glass is also possible, but then air it out well and cover during frost. If necessary peel off the bad leaves.
0.335 gr = +/- 70 seeds

€ 1.50
