Biennial and Perennial Flowers
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- 'White Swan' BIO De Bolster Echinacea purpurea (7322)€ 2.69Sold out
- Alcea rosea tweejarig Chater's mix Sluis Garden€ 1.50Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Eén van onze oudste cultuurgewassen. Geliefd vanwege de lange...
- Anise Hyssop (Agastache Foeniculum) TessGruun€ 1.50At the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Dropplant is een stevige, vertakte plant met vierkante ...
- Blue Globe Echinops bannaticus 0.5 gram +- 25 seeds TessGruun€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Kogeldistel is een sterke plant met blauwgrijs blad en kogelro...
- Boerenwormkruid BIO De Bolster Tanacetum vulgare2,69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Stoelt flink uit. Bloeitijd juli-september. Hoogte 100 cm. Pl...
- Cape Goosberry Physalis alkekengi BIO De Bolster (7755)€ 2.69Sold outCape Goosberry has beautiful orange sheaths around the seeds. Suitable for drying. Strong rhizome. Not edible. Cultivation in open groundSow outdoors: March &nb...
- Common Hawkweed - Hieracium Vulgatum TessGruun€ 1.35Hieracium lachenalii also known as common hawkweed or yellow hawkweed is a species of plants in the dandelion tribe within the sunflower family. It is native to Europe but has become established as a ...
- Dianthus barbatus BIO De Bolster (7230)€ 2.69€ 2.55Dianthus barbatus is an old-fashioned and strong one with dense flower umbels in all kinds of colour combinations of; white, pink, red and purple. Very good cut flower. Biennial cultivation is common....
- Dyer’s woad ORGANIC Isatis tinctoria 25 seeds TessGruun€ 2.69Sold outDyer’s woad is a sturdy biennial plant with large airy umbels full of yellow flowers whose leaves are used to make the pastel dye . This species is interesting for making blue dye. It is...
- Echinacea purpura BIO De Bolster (7320)€ 2.69€ 2.55Echinacea purpura, red is a medicinal plant. The large purple-red leaves around the spherical heart give it a beautiful appearance. Suitable as cut flower Cultivation in open fieldright hand sow:...
- Ezelsoren BIO De Bolster Stachys byzantina€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Ezelsoren dankt zijn naam aan zijn viltig grijsgroen blad. Eze...
- Foxglove BIO De Bolster Digitalis purpurea (7290)€ 2.69€ 2.55Foxglove, simply is a wild growing plant, which forms a rosette in the first year and in the second year the flowering stems with large pink or white "thimbles". The whole plant is poisonous.Other spe...
- Geel vingerhoedskruid BIO De Bolster Digitalis lutea€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De lange bloeistengels van de Geel vingerhoedskruid zijn ...
- Gele kamille BIO De Bolster Anthemis tinctoria€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Gele kamille is een sterk vertakte, wat rommelige plant met fi...
- Gele scabiosa BIO De Bolster Scabiosa columbaria var. Ochroleuca2,69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Gele scabiosa is een sierlijke plant met diep ingesneden bl...
- Grootbloemig vingerhoedskruid BIO De Bolster Digitalis grandiflora€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Grootbloemig vingerhoedskruid heeft grote roomgele&nbs...
- Grote engelwortel BIO De Bolster Angelica archangelica€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Grote engelwortel is een twee tot driejarige plant. De grote&n...
- Grote teunisbloem BIO De Bolster Oenothera erythrosepala€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Teunisbloem is een lange plant met breed vertakte bloe...
- Hollyhock, mixed BIO De Bolster Alcea rosea (7060)€ 2.69Sold outHollyhock, mixed is an upright plant with firm flower stems. The flowers are single in various colours. Needs shelter or support. Flowering time July-September.Cultivation in open groundright hand sow...
- Jacobsladder BIO De Bolster Polemonium caeruleum€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – De Jacobsladder is een plant met decoratief varenachtig blad. ...
- Kogeldistel BIO De Bolster Echinops bannaticus€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Kogeldistel is een sterke plant met blauwgrijs blad en kogelro...
- Kranssalie BIO De Bolster Salvia verticillata€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Kranssalie is een weinig eisende plant met in kransen staande ...
- Lamb's Ear Stachys byzantina TessGruun€ 2.69Sold outAt the moment we are updating the descriptions on our website. we will provide you with the correct descriptions as soon as possible. – Ezelsoren dankt zijn naam aan zijn viltig grijsgroen blad. Eze...
- Large teasel BIO De Bolster Dipsacus fullonum (7300)€ 2.69€ 2.55Large teasel is a sturdy spiny plant. The lilac flowers bloom in a wreath around the flower head. Dry flower. Bee and bumblebee plant.Sow outdoors: May - July.flowering: June - SeptemberOther specific...