Webshop » Flower Seeds » Annual Flowers » Tagetes minuta Huacatay organic TessGruun

Tagetes minuta Huacatay organic TessGruun

ZBETLTAMIHUB25 Tagetes minuta Huacatay organic TessGruun

ZBETLTAMIHUB25 Tagetes minuta Huacatay organic TessGruun
aka Aztec marigold, dwarf marigold, khakibush, Mexican marigold, Muster John Henry, southern marigold, stinking-Roger, wild marigold  Tagetes minuta Huacatay Tagetes grandulifera, Nematodes, Weed killer, Huacatay, Chinchilla, Peruvian black mint Tagète des décombres Camamilla americana, Chinchilla, chinchilla enana, huacatay (Quechua - Pérou) -
 annual, light germinating, sowing under glass in April and planting from mid-May, preferably in full sun. beautiful but also very useful beautifully feathered leaf  1 to 2m high species is a weed killer and soil improver ideal against nematodes but it also suppresses troublesome weeds such as sods  the deep rooting gives a significant improvement in the soil structure. In South America there is a popular and effective cough drink that is made with the dried leaves and flowers,  make tea and add liqueur, syrup, honey or sugar
+/-25 seeds

€ 2.50
