Webshop » Flower Seeds » Annual Flowers » Afrikaantje, small BIO De Bolster Tagetes patula nana (5940)

Afrikaantje, small BIO De Bolster Tagetes patula nana (5940)

ZBEDB5940 Afrikaantje, small BIO De Bolster Tagetes patula nana (5940)

African with single warm-yellow flowers with dark spots in the heart. By squeezing out the first buds, you get fuller plants that deliver more flowers. Helps to fight soil bugs. Suitable as an intermediate planting in the vegetable garden. Height 30 cm. Flowers for a very long time. Sow in a greenhouse half March-April, transplant to pots and plant out after mid-May at 30 cm. Sow in a greenhouse half March-April Sow in the garden after mid-May Distance from seed 30 cm Position Sunny Height of the plant 30 cm Colour yellow.

Other specifications
Contents small package: 0.5 grams (for min. 5 m2)
Number of seeds per gram : 350 seeds
Plant spacing : 30x30 cm
Plant height : 20-40 cm
Pitch : sun
Flowering time : end of June until night frost

€ 2.69 € 2.55
