Webshop » Gemüsesamen » Obstkulturen » Tomatillo Purple (PHYSAALIS IXOCARPA) 10 samen TessGruun

Tomatillo Purple (PHYSAALIS IXOCARPA) 10 samen TessGruun

ZVRTPTOPUR Tomatillo Purple (PHYSAALIS IXOCARPA) 10 samen TessGruun

Attractive purple Tomatillo variety also known as husk tomatoes  - most commonly used in Mexican recipes, raw or cooked: salsas, gazpacho, and guacamole - berries with a diameter of 1 to 2 inches thin skin perennial but often grown as an annual purple fruits with firm flesh.  Raw spicy cake flavor, spicy lemon flavor when cooked

€ 2,78 € 1,50
