Webshop » Gemüsesamen » Tomaten » Tomate Danko 5 samen TessGruun

Tomate Danko 5 samen TessGruun

ZTOTGDA Tomate Danko 5 samen TessGruun

ZTOTGDA Tomate Danko 5 samen TessGruun
Danko is a tomato variety that originated in Russia. The fruits grow in bunches of 5 to 6 and are slightly ribbed at the top. These tomatoes weigh +/- 180 to 350g and ripen to a red colour in about 55 to 65 days. The plants are about 50 to 60 cm tall.

Alle unsere TessGruun-Samen sind reines Saatgut, d.h. samenfeste, nicht chemisch behandelte, nicht gentechnisch veränderte (non-GMO) und giftfreie Samen.

€ 1,50
